Thursday, 15 January 2015


This is to you.

This is to you,
you are the reason for my strength.
This is a thank you for showing me how to love, like other people don't know,
like i didn't know.
Let me say thank you,
thank you for being my pillar of strength in my times of utmost solitude.
in my times of unbearable pain.

Thank you for being my teacher.
thank you for showing me that possessions are not important.
that life is more than what people think.
thank you for opening my eyes to how a person should behave.
You taught me how to care about someone,
but not like others care,
like you care.
Its not the same because if the world ran dry, 
people like YOU would be the river that gives people hope.
The river that reminds us that our thirst can be quenched.
The kind of kindness that is so rare.
The kindness we felt as kids, before this world polluted our minds.
Can i tell you something beautiful, Fabs?
Your mind is not polluted by this world.
Your mind shines, it explodes with passion and determination.
Its beautiful.
like the sunset over Noordhoek beach.
Everyone looks and wonders how something can be so incredibly beautiful?
So intricately constructed to be a beacon of light to the world.
The sun lights up the skys relentlessly and shows us that its the beginning of a new day.
Thats what you have done for me over the past 20 years,
i wake up and i don't have to see you,
just like i dont have to see the sun, to know that it has risen.
I feel you,
i feel the love you have for the world,
the passion you have for people,
the zest you have for living 
the love you have for life.
And can i tell you somehting beautiful?
when i wake up, i feel the love you have givne me.
When people tell me i cant,
i feel your power inside me,
i see the way you handled the toughest times and i fight.
i fight for what our beautiful mother taught us.
I fight because the world cant hold anyone down.
I fight because not fighting would be to easy.
And i fight because that's what i was taught.

i have no idea of  what lies ahead,
but i do know i have you by my side,
and i hope you know i'm by yours too.
Ill never leave.
Because mom built us a home in her heart,
a home for our souls,
our minds.
I find myself in you.
and theres no one else id rather look deep into the eyes and see myself.
but more than that i see you.
I see the life you have lived and the struggled you have powered through.
i see the times you have felt alone, but you always knew you weren't.
I see the Strength of you heart.
I see moms eyes, 
i see moms kindness,
i see moms outlook on life.
i see YOUR outlook on life.
i see passion,
I see a bulldozer that simply cannot be stopped, 
because nothing is stronger than an inspired mind.
I see my childhood in your eyes,
i see our good times and our bad times.
i see all the lesson you have taught me.
i see the tough times,
i see the tears 
But i also see the lion inside of you.
The predator,
hungry for more,
hungry for thrill and adventure,
the lion that cant be tamed,
don't hold it in,
set it free.
Because a soul like yours, will never venture this earth again.
Thank you for teaching me 
guiding me.
Thank you for being the Lion i look at with admiration,
The lion that everyone knows is different,
The lion i hope to roar like one day.
The lion i love with my whole existence.
The only lion that will be in my pride for the rest of my life.
thank you for everything. 

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


Here we are.
Once again faced with life and its relentless pounding,
faced with the harsh beatings of life.
Down on your knees, the blood runs thin from the constant wear.
your elbows battered from the constant falling.
your arms trembling from all the times that they have tried to lift up that heavy,
heavy body.
Your legs are aching.
Your shins are bruised,
your hands are grazed from helping you stop the fall.
But your hands can only do so much.
What happens when the cuts get too deep and you cant use your hands to block the fall?
what happens when your legs are too weak to stand up again?
What happens when your body is too tired and it would just be easier to maybe,
i can tell you two options.
One - you stay down.
You give into the comfort of being on the floor, 
the ease of not having the struggle to get back up.
You allow your body,
 your battered elbows and scraped knees,
to get used to the ground.
Let them heal, but not grow,
Let the blood clot.
let the cuts close.
let the door close.
throw in the towel?
The infamous white flag.

If thats you, then Listen.
There is another option.

Theres a real tough choice to make.
Because this path is going to be harder.
Your knees?
They will be raw to the bone,
you hands will be covered in your struggle.
Your legs and arms are numb,

Your mind will be rich in hope,
your soul will be alive in power,
and if you are strong enough,
You are strong enough.
you are.
You wont let anything keep you down.
Your sore knees will get scraped a hundred more times getting up,
But that moment, 
that one moment when your knees straighten and your hands push off that floor.
Your body feels as alive as your soul.
And the power you have inside you,
deep deep inside.

Says fuck it.
Fuck it to not standing tall.
Your soul overcomes everything,
your mind, 
The force of gravity that was holding you down.
is obliterated by the immense strength of ones self.

ill finish this another time.